Heavy-DUTY Aligner FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

No. SmartAligner wheel alignment machines feature no Push and no Roll back. This means that pushing a vehicle in order to measure its alignment geometry is not required.
The Machine will come calibrated and holds the calibration better than any other machine on the market - switch bays, buildings, cities or even countries and the machine will stay calibrated.
Some of the main advantages are faster setup and measuring times (under 5 minutes with the Rav system), wider variety of vehicles that can be aligned using CCD Technology, and lower cost to the shop owner which will generate higher profit.
Ravaglioli provides in house tech support, remote software updates and offers a competitive warranty. They also offer extended warranty and technical support packages for added peace of mind.
Instead of asking why Rav is offered at a lower price, we should be asking why the competitors are priced so high? Rav offers a top quality product with equal or better performance than it's competition.