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FluidPRO® ATX Automotive Transmission Fluid Exchanger

The FluidPRO® ATX Automatic Transmission Fluid Exchange System offers precise and accurate fluid measurement with minimal technician input to maximize efficiency. Designed for ease of operation, the ATX-3 provides fully automatic operation for automotive fluid exchange servicing. The ATX+Boost offers technicians fully-automatic operation with precise fluid measurement to maximize efficiency and the added feature of a high output boost pump yields faster service times of 2 to 5 minutes. Make every minute count in your shop with the FluidPRO® ATX 3 +Boost.



<h1>Mahle ATX-3 + Boost FluidPRO ATX Automotive Transmission Fluid Exchanger</h1><h3>ATX+ Boost Series Automotive Fluid Exchange Systems - Manufacturer P/N 400 80009 00</h3><p>FluidPRO® ATX Automatic Transmission FluidExchangers offer the complete package with the utmost accuracy during fluid exchange combined with multitasking to ensure the fastest service.</p><p>Designed for ease of operation, the FluidPRO® ATX is technologically advanced with:</p><ul> <li>Fully automatic operation</li> <li>Precision fluid measurement to minimize technician input</li> <li>Electronic keypad</li> <li>Digital weight scale technology for accurate fluid exchange</li> <li>Logical intuitive command functions</li> <li>Transmission pressure diagnostics</li> <li>Patented bypass circuit for vehicle protection if power is interrupted</li></ul><p>Major features include:</p><ul> <li>'Dipstick' or 'Cooler' Mode Selector (ATX-3)</li> <li>Start Engine Indicator</li> <li>Automatic fluid level adjustment, plus or minus 1/2 qt. adjustments</li> <li>Color coded adapters for ease of use with determining vehicle application</li> <li>Average full exchange process time of 2 to 5 minutes; Dipstick mode 8 to 14 minutes</li> <li>Audible Process Indicators</li></ul><p>Adapters for the ATX <a href="" target="_blank">Download file [PDF; 812 KB]</a></p><h2>MAHLE's award-winning FluidPRO® ATX Automotive Transmission Fluid Exchangers have received accolades for :</h2><ul> <li>Ease of operation</li> <li>Superior productivity</li> <li>Extremely fast service times</li> <li>Professional service</li> <li>Application flexibility</li> <li>Peace of mind</li></ul><p>Choose the model that works best for you:</p><ul> <li><em>ATX-2 + Boost Automatic Transmission Fluid Exchanger</em> includes high output boost pump for quick service.</li> <li><em>ATX-3 + Boost Automatic Transmission Fluid Exchanger </em>includes all the benefits of the ATX-2, but also provides the dipstick service mode</li></ul>